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  • Writer's picturemountzelizabeth

Day 8: Final Appreciations

Updated: Sep 1, 2018

Today was our last day spent alone with only our hiking group. We had our final bead appreciation ceremony and re-assimilated into basic personal hygiene practices.

This morning was particularly memorable because I didn't wake up to the sound of rain. We were allowed to sleep in, and had a slow breakfast of oatmeal with extra sugar and raisins. It was our last day with just our group, so we wanted to have a special, final GRANITE meeting on the campground. Inés led us to the lodge, where we relaxed on couches in a tight circle. We were able to give appreciation beads freely for awhile, approaching each individual and thanking them for what they had offered to the trip. Then we reformed our circle and passed our journals around until each person had written a special note of appreciation in everyone else's journal. We ended the meeting with a family picture, and it's still so weird to compare it to pictures from our first day together, and to think that I didn't know these people just two weeks ago.

We walked back to the campsite together, singing "Wonderwall," and met back up with the other hiking group for lunch. We shared what had happened during both of our hiking trips, discussing our experiences in the rain, the wildlife and views we had seen, and the games and songs that had gotten us through. I loved how each group came out of the trip with an anthem ("Wonderwall" for us, "Country Road, Take me Home" for the other group). Both groups had subconsciously realized the importance of pulling together and bonding through a song.

After lunch, our hiking group prepared for our first shower in 8 days. It was amazing, just to be able to wash our hair again and to rinse off the accumulated layers of sweat. Then we visited the gift shop for ice cream and momentos. My favorite part of the gift shop was sharing the joy of Three Musketeer candy bars with everyone from other countries who had not yet experienced it, and finally being able to fulfill my promise to get Nico some chocolate :)

That night, we met back up with the other group for dinner and s'mores (the Hungarians first s'more EVER), played Pterodactyl with everyone, and then our individual hiking groups broke off for their own evening meetings. We ended our meeting with a cinnamon roll group hug, then went back to our tents for our final night of camping.

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